Karpal - East Africa/Zanzibar/UK/Vancouver

Photo taken by Karpal. 
The image above was that of an ant eater that I shot while visiting 
Beijing's huge zoo one year before the catastrophic Covid Plague.

Thursday's idle muse - Part 1

While I lived in Zanzibar, in upscale Sokomohogo Street, ["upscale" because I lived there] Nairobi, Kenya and in London, England, life was simple.  

The week began, according to the English calendar, on a Monday which was a work day and you toiled for another four which brought one miraculously to a Friday! the day on which one was paid! in cash! no less!  

A quick dash to the Underground and race up the hill to my home in East Finchley, North London, a zippy dive into the bath to scrub-off London's grime, [this was before the coal burning ban Act] a splash of Old Spice, which was obligatory if one .... oh never mind.  Then it was all as Mungo Jerry's [I hope I got his name right] crooning: "see what you can find" in the West End.  Sunday....ah Sunday the reprieve day when you rolled into bed wishing the blasted world would go away.  On the next day the dreary weekly routine began it's merciless grind, without seemingly any reprieve in sight.

All this changed immeasurably when I emigrated to my new home in Vancouver, Canada, BC.  I immediately fell in love with this country to the extent that I relinquished my British citizenship to the very day as to when I could apply for my Canadian Citizenship.  

The day I became a Canadian, I applied for a Canadian passport.  Once I secured it, I let the British one expire.  I do not prescribe to having Dual Citizenship.  To do so is to declare that you are not well and truly committed to the country of your domicile.  But there was one, huge, glaring problem.

More in my next post.


Thursday's idle muse - Part 2

I forgot to mention in Part 1 the image that I included was that of an ant eater that I shot while visiting Beijing's huge zoo one year before the catastrophic Covid Plague. I had never ever seen one before and I thought it might be a novelty to send to you a photo to enjoy. Did you notice the remarkable similarity with moi? I believe they are found in South America and some other places where they are known to kill humans if annoyed. Apparently, when wexed, they stand on their hind legs and they swipe with their front paws that have razor sharp claws that they use for digging the ant nests. Heck, I should stop bothering with tandoori chicken and start eating ants. Then I could go around merrily swiping guys I don't like. Life could be so simple and enjoyable! Oh! Don't be such a cad, do please pass the ants.

Alright, alright let's get on with the ruddy muse Part 2. 

My first confusion with my new adopted country was, and I am sure you noticed it, was that all the calendars in Canada and the US, rather oddly, start on a blinking Sunday as opposed to a Monday whence normal people live. And in case you haven't noticed, I am a very critically balanced bloke and the slightest thing can set me off. Now how can that be? Both Europe, and Canada/US are predominantly Christian countries, So why the disparity? Ah-ha! I think I got it. They are not as I said for they are both, indeed, Judaeo-Christian and therein lies the answer. See, I give homework to all and sundry, and I am not into spoon feeding anyone. I force you to use your grey matter, that is if you have any. I am a born again professed atheist who believes that fairies live at the bottom of the garden.

And to add to the confusion let me throw in a few statistics. These are just approximations, for, really it is such a bore to be having to be around folks' bedrooms making silly little notes.

Counties 1st Day of the week Population

67 Sunday 5 Billion

160 Monday 3.3 Billion

Always ,,,,,,, Karpal

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